
Back from Wales!!

We are back from Wales! Whoop whoop! 
The trip was short but lovely. 

I took about 300 photos.
Will show them to you in a short period of time..

I know I have been saying happy new year to you guys for so many times.
But that's what we really need, isn't it?
I mean having a great 2011, all the resolutions are coming true.
So again, guys,

I will post some photos on this blog later on..


Am in Wales being posh!

Guys, I am in Wales with J for holiday..
No photos from me yet, 
but I am sharing some lovely photos taken by the country house we are staying in.

The hotel is called Gliffaes
It's a gorgeous, lovely and cozy manor

Very cozy and I feel posh staying in this house..

But unfortunately, I started to feel terribly ill
I have lost my voice and am starting to have aching limbs ..
Gosh, it's the first day of my holiday!!!!

Oh well, I probably won't be online until 31st..
(unless the hotel we are staying in the following days with internet..)
So I shall see you guys in 2011?

Happy New Year!! 


I HATE boxing day

I HATE boxing day!
Too many people
Too much crap
And too little money


Merry Christmas

Christmas is never a Chinese festival.
But I enjoy every bit of it, apart from doing Christmas shopping...

Happy Christmas everyone


Chinese Pasty

Sorry guys,
I was working yesterday AND am working today, too!
Sad face..

I made Chinese pasties 2 days ago
They had beef filling and were well tasty!
(Sorry, I know it's food again :-P What a loser..)

It seems to be a good day today
and I will try to take some cool photos on my way to work..

Hope you have a happy Christmas!


Chinese Pickled Eggs

Chinese pickled egg

I tasted the pickled eggs I made yesterday.

They were soaked/ pickled in salty water for 50 day..
Were also with shell and uncooked while in process
All I need to do after taking them out from the jar is to steam them..

Yum yum

Gosh, I miss you!


Page Tsou The And

A London-based Taiwanese artist/ illustrator
Page Tsou

Pop-Up Exhibition
37 Lambs Conduit Street 
09.12.10 - 20.01.11



2010 Christmas Wish List

Boots:Dr. Martens+Camper
Electrical Steamer:Whichever brand..
Phone:iPhone 4


Before the lamp is switched off..

Went to a gathering with J's friend after work
All of a sudden I just realised that I don't really go out with MY friends now.
I always hang out with his friends..
Don't get me wrong.. I enjoy every single time we see each other.
Just the thought of not having good friends to go out with occurred to my mind.
And it's not pleasant at all..

Well, it's probably because I am not a going out person and not making enough efforts?
Anyway, we went to a cafe in BFI South Bank 
Very nice restaurant/ cafe actually

On the way, I saw this lamp post standing on the bank together with the show

I felt lonely at that moment..
Felt like I was the lamp post.. Standing on the middle of a beautiful place
But also restrained by something else

Anyway, I am feeling better now.. as the dinner was nice.. :-P
Another enjoyable time with friends..


Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow..

"Have we moved to Russia?", my friend, Nathan's status on Facebook.

Indeed, while I left my cozy bed this morning, it was pouring snow outside. 
It still IS!!

I took a lovely(?) photograph of the snow from the lounge.

It's pouring!

At the moment, seeing the snow, I have a song occurred automatically in my mind

The show is not as romantic as it is in the video though...

Have a nice weekend!

My First Blogger Post

Hey, at last.
I have finally created a "Blogger" account.
To a trendy person, me, it is always irresistible to own a popular blog account.

My name is A Ru.
Taiwanese who lives in London.. oh well, near London..
This blog is mainly to share my life with y'all by taking a photograph a day.

 Today's photograph.. There you go.. 

Sorry, nothing interesting, this is my first post after all ;-p

I stayed at home today making "Steamed buns".. yum yum
The chemical reaction of doughs becoming bun always makes me giggle.
Especially after them being steamed.
(It's more understandable for me if they are baked.. Don't know why) 

Bizarre huh?

Anyway, it's about bed time.(1:35am)
And hopefully I can take some really nice photos tomorrow.
¡Hasta Mañana!
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